1. Registration Open: Tools For Anti-Racist Teaching, In this four-part series, PBS investigates how racism, mental health, history, and education intersect

  2. Family Connections Readiness Guide, This guide includes information and processes on accessing a program's level of "readiness" to engage in work involved in reaching out to families and children facing adversity. ECLKC, updated May 27, 2021

  3. Mental Health Is Integral to Addressing COVID-19, download posters, tip sheets, and other resources to support children, families, and staff affected by crisis or tragic eventsECLKC, updated May 26, 2021

Please visit our COVID-19 Resource page, which is updated regularly, and the FHSA events list for more information. If there is something else you need guidance on, let us know - we will continue to work with state agencies and NHSA to answer your questions. 


Wanda Minick 
Executive Director 

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Florida Head Start Association
111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200 |  Tallahassee, FL 32301
[email protected] | www.FLHeadStart.org

(850) 694-6477