Letter from Executive Director
As I sit down to write this month's message to our members, a Hurricane is not what I wanted to write about this month. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge the fact the east coast of Florida is experiencing its first major hurricane of the season. As Hurricane Dorian continues to move up the eastern coast of Florida delivering tropical-storm-force winds FHSA is praying for all our children, families, and programs in the affected areas. Before the storm, FHSA sent out a reminder reiterating the importance of documenting all damage. This includes taking photos, accounting for the costs associated with securing your facilities and recovery as well as communicating with your Program Specialist on all closures. If FHSA can assist in any way once your programs began to re-open, please let us know.
Significant destruction has occurred in the Bahamas, especially in Grand Bahama and the Abaco Islands. The images are horrific reminding me of the devastation left by Hurricane Micheal in the Panhandle last year. As a community, please continue to pray for the Bahamian people. As our friends in the Panhandle can attest recovery will be a long and challenging process. They will need lots of assistance and our prayers!
The FHSA Board of Directors canceled its Strategic Planning and Board meeting which was to occur during the FLAYCE conference this week in Orlando. The Board will meet via conference call on September 13 to ratify the slate of board members elected last month and discuss rescheduling the Strategic Planning session.
Last month, I had the pleasure of being invited to attend the Miami-Dade Community Action and Human Services Department Pre-Service training. During the training, I participated in a variety of excellent sessions offered to their staff, along with speaking to HS/EHS/CCP Delegate Directors. I thoroughly enjoyed this experience interacting with so many staff under one roof. While in the area I visited with Early Learning Coalition Miami-Dade/Monroe County and the Broward County Head Start/Early Head Start. During these visits, I had a chance to talk one on one and learn about what additional benefits programs are seeking from FHSA. I plan to make more visits throughout the remainder of this year and continue through 2020. Don't be confounded when I call to schedule a visit. Check out photos from the Pre-service training in "What's Happening Around the State."
In Partnership,
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA
Updates from the Office of Head Start
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) on Designation Renewal System (DRS) Changes – Public Comment Period
The Office of Head Start (OHS) has published a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) in the Federal Register, Head Start Designation Renewal System Changes. This publication opens a 45- day public comment period. OHS is soliciting feedback on these proposed changes and will use comments submitted by the public in making decisions for the final rule.
On August 13, FHSA sent out an email to its members regarding NHSA aims to submit one set of comments with sign-on from the Head Start community, using our powerful, unified voice to expedite long-needed changes to the CLASS 10%.
While the comment period was initially meant to be only open for 30 days, NHSA voiced concern that this would not be enough time for the Head Start community to analyze and provide feedback on the proposed changes thoroughly. NHSA successfully advocated for a 45-day comment period, and comments will now be accepted through September 27.
Hopefully, you took NHSA’s field survey and provided input. On September 12th at 4 pm Eastern, NHSA will host a webinar to update the field on their progress and provide another opportunity for people to voice their concerns. Register for the webinar here.
NHSA will circulate a draft of comments for input. By mid-September, NHSA will share the draft to the Head Start community for sign-on.
New Public Charge Rule
On August 14, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published a final rule related to public charge in the Federal Register. According to DHS, the rule will not take effect until October 15, 2019.
Head Start is not a program included in this new rule, and enrollment in Head Start does not impact an individuals ability to become a lawful permanent resident. However, the new rule will likely discourage families from using other critical support services that currently enable families to become self-sufficient.
NHSA has developed some great resources for you to communicate with the families you serve who are immigrants. These resources are available in English and Spanish. Click here to download public charge flyers for staff and handouts for families.
Immigrants should consult with an immigration expert who understands public charge to learn whether the public charge rule even applies to them or their family.

Registration is still open for FHSA Fall Leadership Training October 10-11, 2019 in Daytona Beach, FL at the Hard Rock Hotel. This training event will feature two educational workshops:
- Program Governance Training, Trainer: Billy Starr, MBA-CGAP, BSA Group
- Identifying, Assessing, and Managing Risk, Trainer: J. Christopher Watkins, MA, MBA, Western Kentucky T/TAS
Attendees will be able to select which training they will be attending during the registration process. After the training, we hope you will join us in recognizing FHSA state awards winners at our Annual Awards Luncheon. Celebrating Head Start Rock Starts tickets may be purchased in conjunction with your training or separately. Click here to visit the event's webpage.
FHSA would like to Thank Our Fall Leadership Training Sponsors: 

FHSA and HSSCO present its 2nd cohort of the SSCBT training class on October 7-11, 2019 in Daytona Beach, FL at the Hard Rock Hotel. This curriculum is structured to align with the Head Start and Early Head Start Relationship-Based Competencies for Staff and Supervisors who work with families and addresses the core skills necessary for working in a variety of family support and community services settings.
SSCBT is a competency-based program designed to improve the knowledge and skills of human service workers in social service agencies, childcare, and Head Start programs across the country. This course offers expanded sections on critical areas that are vital to Head Start services.
Target Audience:
- Family Service Workers
- Case Managers
- Home Visitors
- Teachers
- Health Services Staff
- Community Workers
Upon successful completion, participates will receive an industry-recognized Social Services certification from Tennessee State University. We are only able to open this registration to a limited number of attendees. Only five slots remain. Click here for more details and to register.
In Partnership with: 
What's Happening Around the State
Let’s support children suffering from Adverse Childhood Experiences
Florida Times-Union: Opinion Bob Bialas, executive vice president of Children and Head Start Services for Lutheran Services Florida
Teachers and staff in the Head Start programs operated by Lutheran Services Florida are tragically familiar with the term "Adverse Childhood Experiences."
They know that children living in poverty suffer Adverse Childhood Experiences at rates five times as high as others. They have seen children struggle with neonatal abstinence syndrome, deaths of family members, placement into foster care, and instances of either witnessing or being victimized by violence. They also know that these traumatic childhood experiences persist long after the healing beings.
Click here to read the article in its entirety.

FLAEYC Annual Conference Canceled Due to Hurricane Dorian
The Florida AEYC Board canceled the annual conference scheduled for September 4-8, 2019 in Orlando. They are currently working to explore options to reschedule. Their Board of Directors will meet on Wednesday, September 11, to examine their options. Please be patient as they work through the process.

The State Board of Education meet August 21, 2019, and adopted Rule 6M-8.601, F.A.C., which can be viewed here.
The effect of the new revision to this rule is that the minimum score on the Star Literacy Assessment will continue to be 500 and the percentage of children who meet or exceed that score will be included in the provider's readiness rate. However, the results of the pre- and post-assessments administered during the VPK programs will also be included in the calculation as learning gains. The percentage of children who made learning gains in all four domains will be multiplied by .1 and added to the percentage of children who scored 500 or more on the kindergarten screening test. A provider must earn a minimum score of 60 on a zero to 100 scale to have successfully administered the VPK program.

FHSA is aiming to procure presentations for its 2020 Annual Conference & Expo March 4-6 in Orlando, FL. Papers and Posters must tie into this years' theme, "Head Start: Leaders in Quality & Inclusion." The deadline to submit is November 1, 2019. Consider sharing your knowledge, expertise, and experience with Florida's Head Start community. As you begin to think about your presentation or poster submission, be sure it aligns with a birth to five scope. We are looking for presentations that will stimulate, innovate, and engage Early Head Start, Head Start, Child Care Partnerships, Migrant Head Start Programs, and Early Childhood educators administering programs in Florida. Click here for more details regarding the individual focus areas and to submit a presentation.

Final Days Remain to Register for RIVHSA Early Head Start Institute
There is still time to register for RIVHSA Early Head Start Insitute that will occur September 16-19, 2019 in Atlanta, GA at the Westin Peachtree Plaza.
This event will feature a variety of pre-conference events, learning tracks, and presentation formats to encourage breakthrough thinking and collaborative problem-solving. Stay on the cutting edge of research and professional practice to promote best practice, innovation, and partnership opportunities for expanding quality and capacity. Click here to download the event brochure.

Updates from NHSA

NHSA Families Unite Campaign is still going strong, engaging Head Start families in building lasting relationships with their members of Congress. Parents are Head Start’s greatest advocates, and Congress listens when Parent share their story of the value of Head Start.
If you have not already, here are some steps you can take to join the campaign.
Take a look at NHSA Families Unite campaign webpage for details about this event timeline and how to engage members of Congress.

Registration is still open to attend NHSA Fall Leadership Institute September 23-26, 2019 at the Crystal City Hyatt Regency. Florida has over 20 registered attendees scheduled to gather in Washington D.C. during these three days. Hill day visits will be scheduled for Wednesday, September 25 after the Head Start Rally on Capitol Hill. FHSA is a proud Prime Advocate sponsor of this year's Rally.
Congress will be making critical decisions over the next few weeks about funding for Head Start, so now more than ever it’s crucial to make Head Start seen on Capitol Hill! Please let FHSA know how we can support you and your programs attending. Visit the NHSA Fall Leadership Institute webpage for more details.
Employment Opportunities
Family Service Specialist | Episcopal Children’s Services, St. Augustine, FL
CLASS Data Collector- Southwest Florida | Teachstone Training
Director of Member Relations | NHSA, Alexandria, VA
>>> See More Job Openings
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