Check it out! FHSA monthly newsletter is here

July 2022 | The Monthly Newsletter of the Florida Head Start Association 

Letter from the Executive Director 

As we're at the beginning of the year's second half, it's a great time to reshuffle as we continue to navigate through many transitions. There are still no resolutions to the reconciliation package as we hope the final bill includes the Murray/Kaine proposal to expand and improve child care and early learning. This bill would provide $12.4 billion for Head Start, an increase of $1.4 billion above the FY 2022. These funds could go along with helping Head Start programs retain their staff and provide competitive wages. 

FHSA has partnered with Generation Wellness to offer FHSA members discounted online resources for Head Start programs and families to learn and implement strategies to support their wellness journey. This offer expires on August 31, 2022, so I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity. Click here to learn more and sign up! 

In case you missed it, Florida has some really exciting tax holidays and exemptions. Tax-free items include children's books, diapers, baby and toddler clothing, and school supplies. To view the complete list, click here. 

FHSA and Florida's Head Start Collaboration office have been working together to increase awareness regarding the Office of Head Start's expansion of its interpretation of "public assistance" to include SNAP. Florida enrolls 86 percent of eligible people in its SNAP program, which is higher than the national average. The Florida Policy Institute worked with FHSA to release a blog post, Head Start: New Changes to the Program Make it Easier for Families to Enroll Their Children. This blog received a great response and increased outreach and engagement among agencies.  We will continue this outreach and facilitate partnerships to make everyone aware of this change.  

We are also coordinating another cohort for the Social Service Competency-Based Training (SSCBT) in partnership with Tennessee State University. This training satisfies Head Start Program Performance Standards 1302.91(e)(7). This credential is for Staff and Supervisors who work with families. The course offers expanded sections on critical areas vital to Head Start services. Modules I - II is scheduled from August 29-September 2 at the Clearlake Education Center in Cocoa, FL. Registration will open soon. 

Stay well, 

Wanda Minick
Executive Director


Office of Head Start Updates

On June 21, the Administration for Children & Families released IM-HS-22-04 Competitive Bonuses for the Head Start Workforce. 

This IM provides programs with strategies to use existing grant funds to become competitive by offering staff incentives as a short-term solution to obtain current staff and fill vacant positions. The Administration also provided examples from programs on how they have utilized these funds to combat the workforce shortage the early childhood education industry has been burdened with. If you need a refresher, here is a link to download the slides from OHS June 27 webinar and you can access the recording here.

There is an upcoming webinar on Wednesday, July 13, Strategies To Support Equitable Compensation, Wages, and Benefits for the ECE Workforce. In this webinar, participants can expect to learn about the ECE workforce compensation opportunities and challenges, highlight innovative practices around workforce compensation and share compensation resources to support your work. We encourage program leaders to register for this webinar hosted by the Office of Child Care and Administration for Children and Families as part of their Workforce Wednesday initiatives. Click here to register.

Expectations for the 2022-2023 Program Year

The recording below is the Office of Head Start’s webinar regarding expectations for the 2022-2023 program year. This webinar focuses on the use of the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS®) as a quality improvement opportunity, the restart of the Full Enrollment Initiative and the importance of ensuring program services are responsive to your local community needs. 

One Goal Summer Conference Logo

Online Registration Closing Soon for the 2022 One Goal Summer Conference! 

Join us for the One Goal Summer Conference on July 20-22 in Tampa at the Hilton Tampa Downtown Hotel.  Online registration will close on Thursday, July 14.  Register now to ensure your spot. 

This year we will be celebrating the Conference's 35th year of providing motivational and educational experiences for Florida's early education and childcare providers.

Experience a sense of renewal and excitement as the event will be packed with top-notch educational speakers and trainers. The event will host commercial and educational exhibits showcasing the latest in early childhood materials, books, training, and educational aids. Networking and collaboration opportunities are available with leaders of local and state agencies and organizations.

  • Make your hotel reservations early to guarantee availability and conference rates. We have sold out for the last two years before our cutoff date.

If you have any questions or need assistance registering, please do not hesitate to call the Conference office at (850) 893-6270.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Upcoming Events


13: Florida State Board of Education Meeting, Kissimmee, FL 

13: Workforce Wednesday: Strategies to Support Equitable Compensation, Wages, and Benefits for the ECE Workforce Webinar

14: Part 3: Lead Testing Training - Drinking Water in Early Childhood Centers Webinar 

19: FHSA Directors Affiliate Group Meeting, Tampa, FL 

19: FHSA Board of Directors Meeting, Tampa, FL 

: Using the 5Rs of Early Learning Leaders to Support Creativity in Young Children

20-22: One Goal Summer Conference, Tampa, FL 


17: Florida State Board of Education Meeting, Pensacola, FL 


Family Wellness Toolkit and Workplace Wellness Image

Member Information


Change of address, email or any information? You will need to login to your profile in our organization. Your username is


Important Links



Join your State Association: FHSA provides members with access to tools, resources, and collaborative relationships empowering your agency's management team, staff, and parents. FHSA offers Individual and Corporate memberships too!

Support your State Association: Help FHSA ensure Florida programs are supported through professional opportunities, research efforts, and legislation so they can continue to provide high-quality services to Florida's most at-risk children and families. 

Florida Head Start Association
111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200
Tallahassee, FL 32301
(850) 694-6477