Letter from FHSA Executive Director
Welcome, 2020! As we begin this New Year, a huge thank you goes out to NHSA for their continued support and a bipartisan strategy to ensure a successful and sustainable future for Head Start. FHSA contributes over $19,000 each year to NHSA Dollar Per Child Campaign through sponsorships and donations. Your contributions have made an impact. Here's how: Congress passed the final fiscal year 2020 spending bill, which included more than $10.6 billion in funding for Head Start, which provides a $550 million increase in funding. The increased funding was included in the following priorities:
- $250 million for Quality Improvement Funding, including growing services from mental health professionals to provide expert care and counseling to families and the Head Start workforce, providing staff training on trauma-informed approaches to service delivery, and adding staff to Head Start classrooms.
- An increase of $100 million ($905 million total) for the expansion of Early Head Start and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnerships, adding additional slots for eligible infants and toddlers.
- $4 million for re-establishing the Tribal Colleges and Universities Head Start Partnership Program to increase the pool of Native American educators who meet the national standards for qualified Head Start teachers.
- $193 million for a cost-of-living adjustment—an increase of just under 2%—to support and retain a skilled Head Start workforce.
We can't thank Congress enough for their support and investment in Head Start. Numerous recent reports and studies demonstrate Head Start’s effectiveness in supporting at-risk children and families on their paths to success in school and life. By involving the whole family in a child’s education and development through an emphasis on parent engagement, Head Start strengthens families and local communities.
Thank you to all of our members that renewed their 2020 membership with FHSA. We only have 74% of Head Start/Early Head Start programs in our state as members. Our goal for 2020 is to capture 100%. Could you help us reach that goal by joining? Head Start/Early Head Start Agency Membership is open to any Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, grantee in the state of Florida. We also have Individual and Friends level membership available too. You can view membership options here.
FHSA would also like to congratulate its 2nd Cohort participates receiving their SSCBT credentials from Tennessee State University.
Lessie Bolden, Boys & Girls Club of N. Central Florida
Pamela Bryant, Broward County Head Start/Early Head Start
Suzette Burgos, Lutheran Services of Florida
Raquel Domond, ELC Palm Beach
Nancy Gonzalez, Lutheran Services of Florida
Rosie Haltiwanger, Broward County Head Start/Early Head Start
Beverly Hughley, Broward County Head Start/Early Head Start
Anastacia Kizer, Captial Area Community Action Agency
Raquel Leonard, ELC Palm Beach
Jennifer Lockett, Broward County Head Start/Early Head Start
Sheila Lynn, Boys & Girls Club of N. Central Florida
Mashonda McClain, ELC of Miami-Dade
Ashley McEachern, Lutheran Services of Florida
Latrice Pla, Monroe County School District
Eimy Ramirez, ELC Miami-Dade
Zaida Teissonniere, Orange County Head Start Jilles Walker, Lutheran Services of Florida
These 17 individuals worked hard to achieve this recognition. One person, in particular, stood out to me as she shared her story of surviving abuse and how she overcame this trauma. Featured in Women's Day magazine, Ms. Nancy Gonzalez, Family and Community Engagement Specialist (FACES) with Lutheran Services of Florida, started a non-profit group helping abuse survivors start over. You can read her story in What's Happening Around the State.
In partnership,
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA
Updates from Florida Collaboration Director

Did you know OEL has a page dedicated just for parents? This is a great resource full of useful information to encourage fun, learning, and family bonding. Check it out by clicking here.
SAVE THE DATE: HS/EHS Director's Call January 15 at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
Updates from the Office of Head Start
ACF Real Property and Tangible Personal Property Guidance
The Administration for Children and Families (ACF) Division of Grants Policy publishes information, materials, and forms related to real property and tangible personal property on the ACF Property page. These materials are not intended to replace program-specific regulations applicable to property purchased with Head Start funds. Read more here.
Administrative Simplification for Consolidating Head Start Grants
On December 19, the Office of Head Start issued a Program Instruction (PI) streamlining administrative burdens of managing multiple grants. The PI informs grantees of the opportunity to request to consolidate various Head Start grants awarded to a grantee. The PI also describes benefits and risks to consider and outlines the process grantees must follow to submit a request. To view the PI in its entirety, click here.
Delay in Compliance Date for Background Checks and QRIS
The Office of Head Start (OHS) has further delayed the compliance date by two years for the comprehensive background check procedures and for programs to participate in their state or local Quality Rating and Improvement Systems (QRIS). Programs have until Sept. 30, 2021, to comply with the comprehensive background check procedures as required in 45 CFR §1302.90(b). Until then, programs are needed to meet the background check requirements in Section 648A of the Head Start Act that requires them to obtain a state, tribal, or federal criminal record check for all staff members before employment. Programs also have until Sept. 30, 2021, to participate in their state or local QRIS as required in 45 CFR §1302.53(b)(2) of the Head Start Program Performance Standards final rule. Read the notice in its entirety here.
Register Now for FHSA Annual Conference

This year's conference, "Head Start: Leaders in Quality and Inclusion," features opportunities for attendees to engage in impactful discussions, hear and learn from top-rated speakers and learning experts in their fields. Check out our lineup of featured keynote speakers.
Also, we have an exceptional lineup of educational tracks that will accommodate professional development requirements from New and Experienced Teachers to Directors, Administrators, Direct Service Providers, Family Support, and Training & Technical Staff. Learn the six types of educational tracks that cover topics to enhance the work you do at Head Start. You can view them here.

Conference & Expo Venue
This year's conference venue will be at the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando.
FHSA has secured a room block and is open and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The room block expires on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, or until it reaches capacity.
FHSA conference rate is being offered three (3) days pre and post-conference.
The Group Discounted Rate is from $153 /per night++. To book your room, you can call Hilton Reservations at 1-800-222-8733 using the unique rate code (HSA) or use the "Book your room" button below.
Parking: Overnight and event day self-parking rate is discounted to $11+ tax a night. Valet services are $29.00+ tax a night.
DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando 5780 Major Boulevard | Orlando, FL 32819

Exhibit and Sponsorships Available- Deadline January 31
Gain exposure to Florida leaders from Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant, and Seasonal Head Start and Early Head Start - Child Care Partnerships Grantee Agencies' by exhibiting and sponsoring at FHSA Annual Conference & Expo.
FHSA Conference & Expo has a limited number of sponsorships and exhibitor spaces available, which increases your access to conference participants. Show your support to Florida's Head Start growing network.
What's Happening Around the State
Children First receives thousands in grants
The Harry Sudakoff Foundation has recently awarded $20,000 in support of scholarships to Children First, the exclusive provider of Head Start and Early Head Start services in Sarasota County.
The agency also received $15,000 from the Bernard & Mildred Doyle Charitable Trust, $10,000 from the Evalyn Sadlier Jones Foundation and $750 from the India Benton Lesser Foundation for scholarships; while $1,000 from the Heron Creek Community Foundation will help to fund a variety of classes through the Families First Institute in North Port.
A Great Start: Orange County Employee Credits Head Start with Family Success
Every child deserves the opportunity to succeed in life, and Orange County Head Start helps to provide those opportunities to residents. One Orange County employee, Lourdes Ramos, can personally attest to the benefits the program offers.
Lourdes, a senior community services worker with Orange County Community and Family Services Division, moved from Puerto Rico to Orlando with her then-husband Hector, in 1991. They immediately enrolled their two small children, Yesenia and Hector Jr., in Orange County Head Start. Lourdes got involved with the program as a volunteer and has since served in various capacities, including as a teacher, a social worker, and currently as a Disability and Mental Health Coordinator. She credits the program not only with her success but also the success of her children.
How One Woman Is Helping Fellow Abuse Survivors Start a New Chapter
Nancy Gonzalez knows that the struggles of domestic-violence survivors don’t end when they leave their abusers. In fact, some of their biggest challenges are only just beginning.
In 2010, Nancy gave up on a troubled marriage, leaving her home with her three children, a bag of clothes, and not much else. They spent the night at a friend’s house without even toothbrushes. “I thought, I can’t even look after my own kids,” says Nancy. Her memory of that difficult period lingered until one day in 2015 when she heard a preacher on the radio recite an inspiring Bible verse: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.” Nancy took the message as a call to action. On Facebook, she solicited donations for domestic-abuse survivors; packed the toothpaste, shampoo, and other supplies into purses; and delivered them to shelters.
Children's Week at the State Capitol
Join thousands of Florida’s families, students, teachers, and advocates at the Florida State Capitol during Children's Week January 26 - Friday, January 31, 2020. We will be celebrating our greatest gifts – our children! Now in its 25th year, Children’s Week advocates for children’s health, education, and well-being and is brought to you by the United Way of Florida (www.uwof.org).
FHSA encourages our members to take part in this special event as it also a way for us to educate Florida lawmakers about the Head Start community and have a conversation on how we are part of Florida's early learning system.
Here's how you can participate!  
Sunday, January 26 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Celebration of the Hands, Capitol Rotunda
Monday, January 27 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rally in Tally Training and Reception, University Center Club at Florida State University Center, Building B
5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Children's Awards Dinner & Reception, FSU University Center Club in Doak Campbell Stadium
Tuesday, January 28 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Children's Capitol for the Day, State Capitol Courtyard
9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. "Adventure Awaits" Storybook Village, State Capitol Courtyard
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. FHSA Visit with Legislators
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Press Conference, State Capitol Courtyard
Select the hyperlink above to learn more about the event or visit the FHSA event calendar for complete details on all these events plus more!

Join Head Start leaders in Washington, D.C. at the 2020 Winter Leadership Institute to discuss what a new year means for Head Start. Washington needs to hear our voices, and your stories will make Head Start’s impact felt throughout the halls of Congress. Take action to make this Congress one that understands, values, and empowers the important role Head Start serves for children and families. Click here for more information.
Congratulations Tommy Sheridan, for being named Deputy Director of the National Head Start Association. Tommy holds a Masters in Public Administration from George Washington University and a bachelor's degree from Saint Louis University. Since 2008, Tommy has worked for NHSA in several capacities, most notably the Senior Director of Government Affairs.
Employment Opportunities
Social-Emotional Specialist | Episcopal Children’s Services, Skylark
Primary Caregiver/Infant-Toddler Teacher | Episcopal Children’s Services, Jacksonville, FL
Family Advocate, Episcopal Children's Services, Levy County
>>> See More Job Openings
Thank You FHSA 2020 Corporate Partners

Thank you FHSA Conference Sponsors

Click here to learn more about how you can help support FHSA through its 2020 Corporate Partners & Sponsorship program.