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![]() FirstDay Learning and the Florida Head Start Association have partnered to provide a monthly training series!FHSA Members: $127 | Non-Members $ 149Register Today!
FirstDay Learning Course DescriptionsProactive Courses:Designed focusing on mental and emotional health and trauma-informed practices, FirstDay Learning’s proactive training modules help teachers prevent challenging behavior before it happens. In all FirstDay Learning training modules, teachers will learn evidence-based strategies and receive simple, easy to use method cards to support them in the classroom. Teachers will be introduced to course content in unique ways and will engage with facilitators through the chatbox. One participant called these modules, “the most interactive Zoom training ever,” and our detailed participant engagement data tells the same story. Teachers will appreciate FirstDay Learning’s commitment to providing dedicated time in each course for planning how to implement new ideas in their own classrooms. Proactive SolutionsFirstDay Learning proactive modules stem from the evidence-based practices of early childhood mental health consultation with the narrow focus of promoting pro-social behaviors with a trauma-informed lens. Each course embeds method-based solutions with guidance and space to plan for effective implementation.
Classroom RelationshipsOur human experience is based on relationships- between things and places, but mostly between people. This session explores the complex interaction between relationships and behavior. Teachers will develop co-regulation skills to create calm in stressful times and better understand their children's emotions. Strategies to build confidence, reframe mindsets, and promote pro-social behaviors will be presented. Participants can expect to leave with knowledge and skills that will improve all the relationships in their life- not just in the classroom.
Classroom Relationships
Relationships Influence Behavior
Classroom EnvironmentsWhether at an amusement park, a grocery store, or a Pre-K classroom, our behavior is profoundly influenced by our physical surroundings. Anyone who has ever been stressed out by a cluttered room or felt relaxed and at peace in a luxury spa can attest to that. This session examines the connection between physical environments and human behavior. Teachers will learn research-based strategies for designing classroom spaces in ways that promote positive, pro-social behaviors and prevent challenging behaviors. In today’s world of uncertain school schedules and learning from home, it is more important than ever to consider the quality of our children’s learning environments.
Classroom Environments
Environments Influence Behavior
Intentional TeachingThis session centers on teaching methods to promote pro-social behaviors. After laying the foundation for success with our previous modules, this course dives into the “nuts & bolts” of how teachers should facilitate different types of activities that lead to pro-social behaviors- the behaviors children need most to succeed in the world. Topics will include the Power of Play, the Power of Storytelling, and the Power of Conflict Resolution. Participants will return to their classroom armed with tactics to create more empathic and understanding children who can negotiate and resolve conflict independently.
Intentional Teaching
Social-Emotional Teaching Influences Behavior
Administrative SupportsAdministrators set the emotional tone for their early learning centers. When challenging behaviors occur in classrooms, they can stress an already overwhelmed system. In this session, administrators will be provided with some simple solutions to create a systematic approach to promote pro-social behaviors. Providing a parallel process of support gets teachers, families and the administration on the same page to create learning environments that enable all children to thrive. Classroom Support SystemsTo be supportive, teachers need support. This course provides teachers with physical, mental, and emotional self-care strategies because at FirstDay Learning, we know that a burned out teacher can’t help anyone at all. Participants will learn ways to collaborate with peers and formulas for reaching out to administrators in positive ways. Strategies for building on strengths and new ways to ask for and receive support will be explored.
Classroom Support Systems
Educators and families need support to be supportive