Letter from FHSA Executive Director
The Head Start community has always known we are much stronger when we act together. This statement is so much more accurate today than in recent years due to the world's unprecedented times we are currently facing. As we continue to navigate new challenges, we wanted you to know the FHSA board and staff will continue to be here with you along your side navigating the new challenges. By now, you should have received an electronic copy of your 2020-2021 membership dues renewal. Per the FHSA Bylaws membership runs October 1- September 30 each year with dues paid by October 1. Paper invoices will also be mailed.
FHSA board of directors met on July 21 and decided to move our Fall Leadership Training schedule November 19-20, 2020 to a virtual platform. Watch for more information coming soon about this training opportunity. If your program is seeking specific training the association should be considering, please feel free to share it with me. You can email [email protected] or give me a call at (850) 694-6477. Also, the board has a vacant seat left by the departure of Mrs. Natalie Strappy as of July 31, 2020. FHSA will be seeking nominations to fill the Director seat in the Northeast. Watch your inboxes for more details.
As of August 3, 2020, only 59.9% of Floridians have responded to the 2020 U.S. Census. In fact, the Urban Institute estimates that as many as 322,600 Florida residents may be undercounted in 2020. Responding to the census has never been easier with online, by phone, or (if you've received a paper questionnaire) returning the census form by mail. The deadline for field data collection ends on September 30, 2020. Please continue your all-out efforts encouraging the Head Start community to complete the #2020Census, which means more federal funding for your community's schools, healthcare, and food assistance programs that have a significant impact on the communities we serve.
Don't forget to scroll down and check out what's going on at the local level in What's Happening around the State. Programs are doing a great job of keeping their children and families engaged during these times, please continue sending them my way as I love sharing them with all of you.
I would be remiss if I did not mention the passing of our friend and colleague Dr. Heidi Greenslade who entered eternal rest on July 19, 2020. Dr. Greenslade received her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Education and served as an educator for over 28 years. She served as the Vice President of Early Learning, Research, and Training at Lutheran Services Florida where she provided at-risk youth with access to early childhood education. FHSA and the entire early childhood education community has lost a great advocate for children and families. We will cherish the beautiful memories of Heidi as she will be greatly missed but her warmth, kindness, and gentle spirit will be remembered forever.
In partnership,
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA
Updates from the Office of Head Start 
ICYMI: OHS VLOG Dr. B guides how to support programs, children, and families as we shift to Virtually Transitioning from Head Start to Kindergarten. A few highlights are:
Grant Opportunities
DRS Competitions Forecasted to Open This Fall, The next round of DRS is forecasted to open for competition this fall. The Head Start/Early Head Start grant forecasts are grouped by State. You can also view a detailed list of funding forecasts, including service areas, funding amounts, and the estimated number of awards here.
EHS-CCP Round 4 Posted and Applications Due September 21 The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) for the fourth round of Early Head Start Expansion and Early Head Start-Child Care Partnership Grants was released on Grants.gov. The applications are due no later than September 21. The FOA can be found here.
Visit the OHS COVID-19 resource page for the most current and updated information.
Updates from the Office of Early Learning

On July 15, 2020, the School Board of Education met and passed two amended rules. You can find more details about these rules by clicking on the links below.
Click here to view OEL August Parents' Pages! This edition is complete with Skills that lead to success, Tips for the first day of school, and so much more. Check it out!
To stay current on the Florida Department of Education re-opening schools and district plans, I encourage you to bookmark the FLDOE website.
What's Happening Around the State
As caregivers step up for children and families during times of COVID -19 Head Start programs around the State have been doing a lot of really great things. I would like to highlight a few programs and what they are doing to ease the minds of others.
The Neighborhood Place for Early Head Start, a Division of The Early Learning Coalition of Miami-Dade/Monroe Nutritionist, hosted Li'l Foodie Cook-Along a live stream cooking activity with parents and staff. The recipes were sent in advance to parents so they could purchase the ingredients. Check out the video to get inspired.
Pasco County Early Head Start continued to provide comprehensive services throughout the summer. Their team remained united and focused on the continued compassion and nurturance of their families who needed services. Please enjoy this video showcasing beautiful memories honoring and appreciating their children, families, and their incredible staff!!
Miami Dade County Early Head Start Centers closed for the Health and Safety of the children. Children received services through Home Learning and Teachers using Zoom to enhance the emotional connection. Miami Dade County Early Head Start under the direction of Dr. Maite Riestra -Quintero assured that each of the Early Head Start centers was safe for children to attend. Check out this video demonstrating their procedures on what re-opening looks like during COVID-19.
Capital Area Community Action Agency Staff developed a 10-step Safety and Hygiene curriculum for use in the classroom and with families to help during the pandemic. You can view the curriculum here.
Save the Date! FLAEYC Annual Conference is scheduled for October 15-17, 2020, and will be held virtually. They are currently seeking presentations in the following educational areas:
- Behavior Management, Guidance, and Nurturing
- Child Growth and Development
- Child Observation, Screening, Evaluation, and Assessment
- Emergency Preparedness & Management
- Equity & Advocacy
- Family and Community Relationships
- Social and Emotional Learning & Support
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art & Math) Curriculum
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, click here to get started.
Updates from NHSA
Head Start's Role in Disrupting Generations of Systemic Racism a blog post by Damon Carson, Board Chair, and Yasmina Vinci, Executive Director, of the National Head Start Association
Across the Head Start community and around the world, we are dealing with a health pandemic and struggling daily to find some sense of balance in our lives. Add to that, the brutal and unjust killings of George Floyd in Minneapolis and Rayshard Brooks in Atlanta by police. Events that make society question, even more, where we are today and how far we have to go. Click here to read the blog in its entirety.
NHSA has released the COVID-19 Destination Re-opening Playbook developed as a joint effort with Head Start program directors and managers. The Reopening Playbook provides five action steps for a successful re-opening and an adaptive Action Planning Worksheet that can be customized to your program.
Kitchen Table Talks: Every Wednesday, NHSA gathers the Head Start Community at their "Kitchen Table" for a place of discussion, share ideas, resources, and ask questions. You can join the conversation by signing up here.
Employment Opportunities
Administrative Assistant III | Mid Flroida Community Services, Inc., Deland
Associate Director of Research Programs & Services | University of North Florida
Center Manager| Episcopal Children's Services, Alachua County
>>> See More Job Openings
Don't forget to fill out the #2020Census! Florida lost out on $20 Billion from 2010-2020 due to census undercounting. Healthcare, education, transportation, and housing; strategic planning for private and public organizations and representation depend on an accurate count.
