FHSA 2022 Featured Keynote Speakers
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:30 PM - Give your Employees C.R.A.P... the Success Formula for Building Employee Loyalty, Jeff Kortes, Employee Retention Speaker
Have you ever wondered why some bosses and organizations have people who are incredibly loyal to them and who will do anything for them while others have a revolving door of employee turnover? The bosses and organizations people want to emulate provide their employees lots of C.R.A.P.! (Caring, Respect, Appreciation, and Praise).
Jeff delivers a “headhunter’s” insight into why some employees are loyal and others work only to get a paycheck. Through real-life stories and interactive participation, Jeff has created a program that helps participants understand how to demonstrate Caring, Respect, Appreciation, and Praise to systematically build employee loyalty in your organization. This session will provide participants with realistic takeaways that will build employee loyalty.
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM - Give your Employees C.R.A.P... and 7 Other Secrets to Employee Retention, Jeff Kortes, Employee Retention Speaker
Come learn how to give your team C.R.A.P. (Caring, Respect, Appreciation and Praise).
As an executive recruiter with over 25 years of experience in human resources, Jeff will provide insight into the thoughts and reasoning of employees who decide or are contemplating leaving their jobs in various organizations. He reveals how giving your people C.R.A.P. and 7 other secrets are essential to employee retention. Through humorous, real-life stories and interactive participation, Jeff has created a program that helps participants discover ways to gain a competitive edge when retaining talent. Participants will leave the session with actionable steps to drive employee retention in their department or organization.
Click here for Jeff's Bio
Thursday, March 3, 2022
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
How to go from Survival Mode to Beast Mode, Jonathan Edison, Edison Speaks International
As a former Head Start student, Jonathan Survival Mode is the inability to see yourself in the future because life is crashing down around you at the moment! The critical source of competitive advantage is how well a Head Start organization and its employees manage the stress of being overwhelmed, dealing with challenges, and overcoming obstacles. Understanding that working within Head Start is hugely stressful, the challenge lies in knowing how to get a breakthrough and master your emotions. During this presentation, Jonathan provides valuable insights and effective strategies for strategically dealing with challenges and finding the love and passion in what you do!
Click here for Jonathan's Bio
Friday, March 4, 2022
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
What's Right with You?
Holly Elissa Bruno, MA, JD, bestselling, award-winning author, and international keynoter
Children are often asked, overtly or covertly: "What's wrong with you?" Adults, too, focus on our faults rather than our talents/strengths. Imagine changing the conversation to: "What's right with you?" as we seek the unique giftedness of each child, in our peers and ourselves?
A child is more than her diagnosis. An adult is more than her shortcomings. Join us in discovering how this simple change of perspective changes every interaction for the better. Rilke encourages us to "Learn to love the questions." "What's right with you?" is a question to love.
Click here for Holly's Bio