Letter from FHSA Executive Director
2020 is off to a great start as we celebrate Early Head Start 25th Birthday. Watch this heartwarming video to learn about the impact EHS programs have had on our communities. Since 1995, the EHS program has improved child and family outcomes through comprehensive services. We would love to hear and see how your program will be celebrating #EHS25.
January came and went quickly as FHSA prepared for its 2020 Advocacy Days during Children's Week at the State Capitol and our annual conference & expo in Orlando on March 4-6.
During Children's Week, 15 FHSA members representing 5 Head Start/EarlyHead Start programs ascended the steps of the State Capitol to talk with their legislators about pending legislation HB1013/SB1688 that could have a significant impact on Head Start programs. These bills place the Office of Early Learning (OEL) within the Department of Education (DOE) and remove direct rulemaking authority from OEL, requires DOE to develop uniform standards of quality. The bills also reduces the number of board seats on the ELC board, eliminating the Head Start Director seat. FHSA is monitoring these bills plus others during this legislative session. To learn more read the Florida Legislative Updates below.
Conference, Conference, Conference. It's all the buzz around the office these days. As we near our closing of the room block and registration on February 12. I can not emphasize the importance of attending this year's event. Not only will this educational conference provide an opportunity to network with product and service providers but time to collaborate with your colleagues and hear from top-rated speakers and learning experts in their fields in a variety of topics crafted with Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant Head Start, and Child Care- Early Head Start Programs in mind. Let's make this conference the biggest and brightest in Florida by showing some FHSA love with your participation. You can read more about this year's conference below.
FHSA would like to thank Isabel Garcia, Executive Director for RCMA and Bob Bialas, Executive Director for LSF in representing Florida on the Region IV Office of Head Start Regional Program Managers call. Dr. Calvin Moore facilitated this open dialogue to share his goal of improving communications and to learn more about the challenges programs are having and how he can provide continued support. You can read notes from this call by clicking here.
In partnership,
Wanda Minick Executive Director FHSA
Updates from the Office of Head Start
HHS Secretary Lowers the Head Start Duration requirement from 100% to 45%
On January 30, the Office of Head Start (OHS), Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) published a final rule officially altering the Head Start duration requirement so that 45 percent of a Head Start program's center-based funded enrollment must operate for 1,020 annual hours of planned classroom operations by August 1, 2021. The Head Start Program Performance Standards originally stated that 100 percent of the program's enrollment must meet this threshold by that date.
The Office of Head Start estimates that 70 percent of Head Start programs who do not meet the new extended duration requirement will apply and receive a waiver.
Lowering the duration requirement from 100 percent to 45 percent is certainly a step in the right direction. However, there are concerns that this action may not fully recognize the comprehensive needs and local programs to meet the unique needs of children and families best.
2020 Office of Head Start Site Leader Institute
The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations is hosting its inaugural Site Leader Institute. This program is for program director or site leaders with oversight responsibility for the day-to-day operation of a Head Start or Early Head Start center. This event will help hone the critical skills needed to be an effective Head Start site leader. The deadline to register is February 13, 2020. Click here for more details.
HHS Poverty Guidelines Announced for 2020
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, has announced new poverty guidelines that impact the families we serve. They can be viewed at this link.
Below are a few quick links of pertinent information released by the Office of Head Start and adjoining agencies that may be of interest to Head Start programs and other early childhood staff.
Information Memorandum (IM) issued: Inclusion of Children with Disabilities, January 22
Federal Register Alert issued: Determining Eligibility for Free and Reduced Price Meals and Free Milk
Grants Notice: Secondary Analyses of Data on Early Care and Education
FHSA 2020 Annual Conference & Expo

Wondering what will be happening at this year's conference? A lot of impactful discussions, 3 exceptional conference headliners, over 40 educational sessions ranging from Millennials in the Workplace, How to Build a Resilient Workforce, Staff Wellness, sessions about partnering and building collaborations, Strategic Board Governance, Family Engagement with Early Head Start Families, Support Families with Special Needs, plus so much more. You can check out this year's conference offerings by downloading the conference schedule, or you can view it online.
FHSA will feature a conference App only available to registered conference attendees. The App will provide attendees up to date information on sessions, the ability to download speaker handouts, survey capabilities along with details on companies in the expo center. The only way to get the App is to register for the conference.
Regular conference registration ends Wednesday, February 12. Click the conference registration below to get started.

Conference & Expo Venue
The DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando will host this year's conference.
FHSA has secured a room block and is open and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The room block expires on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, or until it reaches capacity.
FHSA conference rate is being offered three (3) days pre and post-conference.
The Group Discounted Rate is from $153 /per night++. To book your room, you can call Hilton Reservations at 1-800-222-8733 using the unique rate code (HSA) or use the "Book your room" button below.
Parking: Overnight and event day self-parking rate is discounted to $11+ tax a night. Valet services are $29.00+ tax a night.
DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando 5780 Major Boulevard | Orlando, FL 32819

Still wondering how you can participate at the FHSA 2020 Annual Conference & Expo?
Let FHSA create a custom package that will provide you impact and still maintain your bottom line. We have plenty of options available. Download FHSA Corporate Partners and Sponsorship opportunities today!
What's Happening Around the State
Team Florida at WLI
Florida had over 40 participants representing 11 Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant Head Start, and Child Care- Early Head Start Programs make the trip to Washington D.C. to participate in the NHSA Winter Leadership Institute January 27-31, 2020. Our team visited over 20 Congressional Members thanking them for supporting Head Start increase in FY 2020. Here are some highlights of the event below.

Watch Brain Matters
Brain Matters is a groundbreaking documentary about the science of the early years and what it takes for all children to get the best possible start in life. Brain Matters also are leading a change.org campaign around early childhood development to help raise awareness and provoke policy change. Their goal is to have 500,000 signatures and 1 million views of the film to ask global leaders to keep their promises and help all children get the best start in life, regardless of race, culture, or socioeconomic status.
You can help in two ways:
RCMA Receives Grant from Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
RCMA announced that it received a $125,000 grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative to strengthen communication efforts related to RCMA and its immigration family support program.
With the funding, RCMA will train staff, board members, alumni, students, and their parents as community ambassadors to tell their stories and discuss how RCMA, by helping families, improves education outcomes for children of immigrants.
Children First welcomes new slate of board leadership for 2020
Children First, Inc., the exclusive provider of Head Start and Early Head Start services in Sarasota County, is excited to welcome the new slate of board leadership for 2020.
Lisa Giglio is the former co-owner of Freedom Boat Club and has served as an early childhood educator and director of education at Sylvan Learning Center. Michael Suarez, former executive director of Sarasota County Emergency Services, is also a life member, past president, and current treasurer of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Both have been named to the Board of Directors for 2020.
FHSA 2020 Advocacy Days and Children's Week Highlights
FHSA hosted 2020 Advocacy Days during Children's Week and the third week of legislative session January 26-28, 2020. The event kicked off on Sunday with the celebration of hands. Children and their teachers from child care centers and schools around the state sent in their colorful hands displayed for a week in the State Capitol Rotunda.
On Monday, we attended the Children's Week Awards Dinner, which honored Chiles Advocacy Award winner, Jack Levine. Jack is a lifelong child advocate and founder of the 4Generations Institute. He previously served as President of Voices for Florida's Children. Attendees were treated to a Tribute Video honoring Jack and the impact he has made on Florida's Children. Special guest speakers DCF Secretary Chad Poppell and DJJ Secretary Simone Marstiller, as well as State Representative Vance Aloupis from Miami, CEO of the Children's Movement of Florida, were all in attendance along with a room filled with child advocates ready to honor Jack.
Tuesday, hundreds of children and families gathered at the capitol courtyard running and playing among provider organizations and coalitions, creating a festive atmosphere. FHSA partnered with the Florida Head Start Collaboration Office to provide a "Healthy Adventure Awaits" activity. FHSA members Captial Area Community Action Agency assisted in delivering the activity by offering their community partner, Titus Sports Academy. The coaches were on hand teaching children exercises through play. The rest of us spent the day meeting with local Legislators to discuss legislation that could impact Head Start/Early Head Start programs in our state. Here are a few highlights from the event.

Florida Legislative Updates
The Department of Children and Families, Office of Child Care Regulation, has completed the rule promulgation process for Child Care Standards, Chapter 65C-22.001, Florida Administrative Code. The new rule language was adopted and became effective on January 29, 2020. Click here to view.
HB1013, Rep. Grall | SB1688, Sen. Harrell - Early Learning and Early Grade Success
These bills place the Office of Early Learning within the Department of Education (DOE) and remove direct rulemaking authority from OEL, requires DOE to develop uniform standards of quality. The bills also reduce the number of board seats on the ELC board from 30 to 15, eliminating 1/3 private sector seats, including the Head Start Director seat. This bill also requires the Office to develop a process for using contracted slots to support children experiencing homelessness and children in foster care. The bill also removes authority for each ELC to adopt a payment schedule for providers. It requires the Early Learning Programs Estimating Conference to adopt the payment schedules to be used statewide in each county.
HB533, Rep. Beltran | SB158, Sen. Perry- Child Restraint Requirements
The bill increases from age five years or younger, to age six years or younger, the age of children who must use a crash-tested, federally-approved child restraint device. The bill also increases from age four through five years, to age four through six years, the age of a child for which use of a separate carrier, an integrated child seat, or a child booster seat is authorized
HB979, Rep. Plasencia | SB 152, Sen. Brandes - Dental Therapy
The bill authorizes the Department of Health (DOH) to issue a dental therapist license to an applicant who possesses a degree or certificate in dental therapy from an accredited program. The bill authorizes a licensed dental therapist to perform remediable tasks under the general supervision of a dentist. The bill provides a scope of practice for dental therapists and requires the Board of Dentistry to appoint and establish members of the Council of Dental Therapy. The bill also authorizes Medicaid to reimburse for dental services provided in a mobile dental unit owned by a health access setting.
HB111 Rep. Williams | SB88.Sen. Stewart - Child Care Facilities
This bill creates the "Child Safety Alarm Act." It requires that after January 1, 2021, vehicles used by child care facilities and large child care homes to transport children must be equipped with an approved alarm system that prompts the driver to inspect the vehicle for the presence of children before leaving the area. The bill requires the Department of Children and Families (DCF) to adopt by rule minimum safety standards for reliable alarm systems and maintain a list of alarm manufacturers and alarm systems that are approved to be installed in vehicles.
Employment Opportunities
Behavior Specialist | Mid Florida Community Action Agency, Hernando
Chief Financial Officer | Episcopal Children's Services, Jacksonville, FL
Data Management Specialist | Broward County Public Schools
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