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December 2019

Subscribe Archive

In This Issue...

Letter From FHSA Executive Director

Updates From Florida Collaboration Director

Updates from the Office of Head Start

FHSA Opens Conference Registration 

What's Happening Around the State

Children's Week at the State Capitol

Updates From NHSA

Employment Opportunities

Calendar of Events 

December 2019 

05 - 06  RIVHSA Board of Directors Meeting

05 - Strategies and Steps for Completing Hearing Screenings with Children Who Are Difficult to Screen

05 - Establishing and Sustaining Community Partnerships for Outreach and Continuity

09 - NHSA 2019 Parent and Family Engagement Conference

10 - Introducing the Economic Mobility Toolkit for Head Start and Early Head Start Programs

11 - Enhancing Professional Development for Home Visitors

12 - Head Start Leadership and Governance Training: An Introduction to a New Interactive Module

16 - Public Hearing for the School Readiness Program

17 - Education Manager Series: Instructional Leadership

17 - Workshop on Rule 6M-4.735 Early Learning Professional Development Standards and Career Pathways

18 - HSSC0/FHSA Head Start/Early Head Start Directors Monthly Call

18 - Workshop on Rule 6M-4.735 Early Learning Professional Development Standards and Career Pathways

24- 25 - Christmas FHSA Office Closed

January 2020

14 - Florida Legislative Session begins

26 - 28 - FHSA Advocacy Days 2020

26 - 31-  2020 Children's Week

27 - Rally in Tally

27 - 31- NHSA Winter Leadership Institute

29 - FHSA Board of Directors Meeting 


Letter from FHSA Executive Director 

Before the hustle and bustle of the holiday season begin, there are a few key things I would like to make sure you are aware that FHSA is doing. 

1. Annual Conference Registration is underway. Don't forget to register before the rates increase in 2020. The Education Sub-Committee has selected a great lineup of speakers and educational sessions that will help in your day to day work at Head Start. I encourage you to check them out.  To help us continue hosting educational events, we turn to our exhibitors, Corporate Partners, and Sponsors, to help offset the costs. We hope you will consider supporting FHSA through one or more of these opportunities.  

2. We will host in conjunction with Children's Week FHSA Advocacy Days 2020. As you know, the Flordia Legislative session begins January 14. FHSA is tracking Early Learning bills and will keep you posted on any impacts you can expect this session. I hope you will consider joining us in Tallahassee for this celebration at Florida's Capitol to help advocate for the needs of Florida’s children. FHSA will schedule hill visits for those interested in participating. Read more about the event and how you can take part. 

At the holiday season, our thoughts turn gratefully to those who have made our progress possible, YOU! It is in this spirit that we say...Thank you, and best wishes for the holidays and happy New Year.

Wanda Minick
Executive Director

Updates from Florida Collaboration Director 

We are happy to report that OEL submitted Florida’s PDG B-5 renewal application (PDG-R). They anticipate notice of awards will be released mid- to late-December. Stay tuned for a

list and description of proposed projects included in the PDG-R!

A Public Hearing on Rule 6M-4.740 Program Assessment Requirements for the School Readiness Program and Rule 6M-4.741 Program Assessment Threshold Requirements for the School Readiness Program. Click here to view the Rule. 

Hearin is on Monday, December 16, 2019, at 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. ET. To register, click here.

A Rule Workshop on Rule 6M-4.735 Early Learning Professional Development Standards and Career Pathways will be held via webinar on the following dates: 

Tuesday, December 17, 2019, from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. ET. To register, click here.

Tuesday, December 17, from 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. To register, click here.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019, from 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. ET. To register, click here.

In case you missed our November HS/EHS Director's call, click here to access the video and meeting materials via our My Peers community.

SAVE THE DATE: HS/EHS Director's Call
December 18 at 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 

 Updates from the Office of Head Start

An Information Memoranda was released on December 4, 2019, concerning Accounting and Reporting Capital Leases. Dr. Deborah Bergeron cautions Grantees to carefully examine the proposed lease arrangement when determining their character as either operating or capital leases to assure compliance with applicable fiscal regulations and avoid potentially significant amounts of disallowed costs. View the IM here. 

The Office of Child Care (OCC) released the priorities report for fiscal year (FY) 2019. The Child Care and Development Block Grant Act of 2014 requires the Administration for Children and Families to issue an annual report deciding whether states have met provisions related to the priority of services for children from families with meager incomes, children with special needs, and children experiencing homelessness. You can download the new priorities report for FY 2019 here. 

Community Assessment: The Foundation for Program Planning in Head Start

The National Center on Program Management and Fiscal Operations have developed a step-by-step guide to ensure programs remain responsive to the needs of the children and families in their communities. The Community assessment guide will provide a starting point for understanding community strengths and help you identify gaps in services. This guide also offers a library of worksheets, tools, and resources to support your data collection and analysis. Click here to download the complete manual or here to view a specific topic of interest. 

FHSA Conference Registration OPEN!

FHSA 2020 Annual Conference & Expo registration has officially opened. Register now to $ave on conference registration prices before they go up in 2020! 

This year's conference, "Head Start: Leaders in Quality and Inclusion," features opportunities for attendees to engage in impactful discussions, hear and learn from top-rated speakers and learning experts in their fields. Check out our lineup of featured keynote speakers.

Also, we have an exceptional lineup of educational tracks that will accommodate professional development requirements from New and Experienced Teachers to Directors, Administrators, Direct Service Providers, Family Support, and Training & Technical Staff. Learn the six types of educational tracks that cover topics to enhance the work you do at Head Start. You can view them here. 

Conference & Expo Venue

This year's conference venue will be at the DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando.

FHSA has secured a room block and is open and available on a first-come, first-serve basis. The room block expires on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, or until it reaches capacity.

FHSA conference rate is being offered three (3) days pre and post-conference.

The Group Discounted Rate is from $152 /per night++. To book your room, you can call Hilton Reservations at 1-800-222-8733 using the unique rate code (HSA) or use the "Book your room" button below.

Parking: Overnight and event day self-parking rate is discounted to $11+ tax a night. Valet services are $29.00+ tax a night.

DoubleTree by Hilton at the Entrance to Universal Orlando
5780 Major Boulevard | Orlando, FL 32819

 Exhibit and Sponsorships Available

Gain exposure to Florida leaders from Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant, and Seasonal Head Start and Early Head Start - Child Care Partnerships Grantee Agencies' by exhibiting and sponsoring at FHSA Annual Conference & Expo.   

FHSA Conference & Expo has a limited number of sponsorships and exhibitor spaces available, which increases your access to conference participants. Show your support to Florida's Head Start growing network.


What's Happening Around the State 

The parents of Baker Head Start in Osceola County spearheaded a “Roads” themed project for November. Parents pulled together with the teaching staff to create a variety of cars and road patterns. Children were excited to climb into their cars and travel along the roads built by them and their parents. Check out some pictures from this activity below. 


FHSA would like to congratulate Nacole Guyton, Florida Head Start Collaboration Director, on her recent election to the FLAEYCE Board of Directors. She will serve in the capacity as an At-Large Board Member.  Congratulations Nacole!!


Children's Week at the State Capitol

Join thousands of Florida’s families, students, teachers, and advocates at the Florida State Capitol during Children's Week
January 26 - Friday, January 31, 2020. We will be celebrating our greatest gifts – our children! Now in its 25th year, Children’s Week advocates for children’s health, education, and well-being and is brought to you by the United Way of Florida ( 

FHSA encourages our members to take part in this special event as it also a way for us to educate Florida lawmakers about the Head Start community and have a conversation on how we are part of Florida's early learning system. 

Here's how you can participate! 

Sunday, January 26
12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Celebration of the Hands, Capitol Rotunda

Monday, January 27
1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Rally in Tally
Training and Reception, University Center Club at Florida State
University Center, Building B

5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Children's
Awards Dinner & Reception,
 FSU University Center Club in Doak Campbell Stadium

Tuesday, January 28
8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Children's
Capitol for the Day
, State Capitol Courtyard

9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. "Adventure Awaits" Storybook Village, State Capitol Courtyard

9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.  FHSA Visit with Legislators

12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. Press Conference,  State Capitol Courtyard

Select the hyperlink above to learn more about the event or visit the FHSA event calendar for complete details on all these events plus more!

Join Head Start leaders in Washington, D.C. at the 2020 Winter Leadership Institute to discuss what a new year means for Head Start. Washington needs to hear our voices, and your stories will make Head Start’s impact felt throughout the halls of Congress. Take action to make this Congress one that understands, values, and empowers the important role Head Start serves for children and families. Click here for more information. 

Employment Opportunities

Early Head Start Teacher | Mid Florida Community Services, Inc., Deland, FL 

CLASS Data Collector- Southwest Florida | Teachstone, SW Florida

CFO | North Florida Child Development, Wewahitchka, FL 

>>> See More Job Openings  

Thank You FHSA 2020 Corporate Partners



Thank you FHSA Conference Sponsors

Click here to learn more about how you can help support FHSA through its 2020 Corporate Partners & Sponsorship program.

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Florida Head Start Association
111 N. Gadsden Street, Suite 200 |  Tallahassee, FL 32301
[email protected] |

(850) 694-6477